
The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) as applied to our project include:

  • Remove a waste products from the forest and create another market for the forest industry.
  • Create jobs in an economically depressed community.
  • Produce designer BioCarbon for use as an agricultural soil amendment to reduce the need for traditional manufactured fertilizers.
  • Sequester 3 tons of carbon dioxide with every ton of biochar used in soil (Chemists without Borders).
  • Reduce dependence on mining graphite in China, Mozambique, Brazil, and Madagascar.
  • Create a domestic supply of BioGraphene

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations based scientific assessment and policy development agency comprised of approximately 200 sovereign nations, has agreed there is incontrovertible evidence the use and burning of carbon (fossil fuels) is changing all existing Earth Systems (Atmosphere, Oceans, Ice, Biodiversity, etc.). These changes are having downstream consequences on the various parts of the Earth Systems (i.e., ocean currents, forests, reefs, weather). Thousands of peer-reviewed studies have concluded that carbon burning from past organic matter must be reduced to prevent a mass extinction of organic life.

Thus, all IPCC goals refer to the use/reduction of carbon in the electric power, transportation, agriculture, industrial material, and building sectors of each economy. Global Average Temperature targets and carbon use budgets have been agreed to by the largest coalition of people in mankind’s history.

Specific plans for change and reduction are the responsibility of each sovereign signatory. Implementation is being left to business and industry to innovate our ways to meet the goals. HGF intends to be an important player in this process of change.

Graphene is a material of recent discovery that may have an extremely large impact and effect toward achieving the IPCC goal of reducing carbon. It has been dubbed a “miracle material” with enormous possibilities to affect change. With the changes expected from IPCC, graphene can now be seen as a possible leading edge of this major change envisioned for each aspect of our way of life.

HGF will produce electricity, high temperature BioCarbon, and BioGraphene. These products can be processed and applied in every one of the sectors identified by IPCC to reduce carbon use and sequester carbon, thus benefitting global efforts to reach temperature goals. HGF is on the leading edge of the UN and IPCC efforts to change our ways and means of living.